Citizen Assessment Survey of Health and Education Services in DKI Jakarta

DKI Jakarta is the nation’s capital, the policies taken are a reflection for other regions in Indonesia in order to maximize all matters relating to public interests. With enormous resources, DKI is expected to be able to maximize this potential, in order to realize basic public rights. As well as involving the community in every decision-making, so that there will no longer be exclusion and neglect of basic rights, for example (poor) people own and have access and information to control strategic resources such as government budgets or the right to get better services.

Therefore, efforts to fight poverty must coincide with and be accompanied by efforts to aggregate the voices of the poor, strategies for involving the poor in the policy-making process and a rights-based development approach. With this perspective, ‘deepening democracy’ through voice aggregation and involving the poor in policy making and a ‘rights-based approach’ to public services for the poor become relevant. The deepening of democracy is related to the processes and institutions of public services, while the rights-based approach is related to the substance of policies.


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