Asking for Information, Manokwari Residents Get Certainty on Puskesmas Schedule

Residents are receiving Puskesmas services in Pasir Putih District, Manokwari, West Papua

A request for information by a group of residents represented by Agustina Salosa to the Manokwari Regency Health Office of West Papua about the puskesmas service schedule yielded results.

Eight days after the request for information was submitted, officers from the Health Service provided the requested documents directly. The document is in the form of a Circular Letter from the Head of the Health Office to all Heads of Puskesmas dated October 3, 2012 concerning Service Schedules. In the circular letter, it is stated that the puskesmas service schedule is held from 08.00 to 13.00 every weekday Monday-Saturday.

On the occasion of submitting the document, residents are welcome to have a dialogue with the Dinas represented by the Harsono Evaluation and Reporting Program Sub-Section. Dinas expressed its appreciation to residents who have submitted requests for information. Thus, the Dinas finds it helpful to monitor the implementation of Puskesmas services.

“From the meeting, we can conclude that PPID within the Health Office understands its duties and functions, and is serious about working to provide information services,” said Rosa, one of the activists of the Manokwari community center.

After getting the desired documents, Agustina Salosa and other members of the residents then checked directly to the Puskesmas in her district, namely Pasir Putih District. They want to verify whether the Puskesmas has received a circular about the service schedule. Before meeting directly with the Head of puskesmas, Agustina et al deliberately saw the notice board directly. How excited their hearts were, it turned out that on the notice board there was a schedule of services as stated in the Official Circular. Thus, residents become aware of the actual service schedule.

Circular Letter of the Manokwari Health Office containing the schedule of puskesmas services in Manokwari

“Yes, we are indeed instructed again to be more serious about serving residents by complying with the schedule set by the Health Office,” said Ayub Inyomusi, Head of the Pasir Putih Health Center when met by residents.

With a more certain service schedule, people are more assured when they want to seek treatment at the Puskesmas.




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