FOINI PRESS RELEASE | Open Information on Implementation of the Presidential Election Quick Count

FOINI (Freedom Of Information Network Indonesia)

YAPPIKA, PATTIRO, ICW, IPC, TII, Seknas FITRA, ICEL, IBC, MediaLink, Perludem, IBC, PSHK, SBMI, Koak Lampung, PATTIRO Serang, PATTIRO Banten, Perkumpulan INISIATIF, PATTIRO Semarang, KRPK Blitar, Sloka Institute, SOMASI NTB, Laskar Batang, PIAR NTT, KOPEL Makassar, SKPKC Papua, Mata Aceh, GerAk Aceh, JARI KalTeng, KH2Institute, PUSAKO Unand, FITRA Riau, LPI PBJ, Institute Tifa Damai Maluku, Perkumpulan IDEA Yogyakarta

Jakarta, 11 July 2014

Indonesia has gone through an important stage in the development of democracy. Millions of citizens have exercised their right to vote to determine a new President and Vice President. Citizen enthusiasm is so high in the Presidential and Vice Presidential Election (Pilpres) this time that it is even higher than last April’s legislative election. This shows that Indonesia is progressing in democracy.

Unfortunately, the people’s joy at this democratic party was disrupted by the polemic on the results of quick counts by various survey institutions. In which eight (8) survey institutions won the pair number 2 (two): Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla. The eight (8) survey institutions are: Kompas R&D, RRI, SMRC, CSIS-Cyrus, LSI, IPI, Poltracking Institute, Populi Center. While four (4) other survey institutions won the pair number 1 (one): Prabowo-Hatta. The four survey agencies are: Puskaptis, JSI, LSN, IRC. The difference in the results of this quick calculation has a serious impact. The two candidate pairs declared victory to each other and the public became confused because of this situation.

If the polemic resulting from this quick calculation is not immediately addressed, it will trigger a horizontal conflict. It is not impossible for each pair of candidates to be able to mobilize their supporters to defend their claim of victory.
Based on Article 1 paragraph (3) of Law 14/2008 concerning public information disclosure (KIP), FOINI views that Survey Institutions are a public body that must comply with the provisions stipulated in the KIP Law. one of which provides accurate, correct, and NOT MISLEADING information.

On that basis, we Civil Society Coalition for Public Information Disclosure or FOINI (Freedom Of Information Network Indonesia) state our position:

FIRST: Demand accountability for holding the presidential election quick count carried out by all survey institutions for :

  • Opens information on the quick count methodology approach used.
  • Disclosing information on the number and location of samples used as the presidential election quick count database to all (12) survey institutions.
  • Disclosing information on sources of funds for holding presidential election quick counts to nine (9) survey institutions, namely: Research and Development Kompas, RRI, CSIS-Cyrus, LSI, IPI, Poltracking Institute, Puskaptis, JSI, LSN, IRC.

SECOND: Demand the central Information Commission to take a stand so there will be no confusion of public information in the form of potentially misleading survey results.

  1. Menuntut Persepi (Perhimpunan Survei Opini Publik) yang menaungi LSI, Indikator Politik Indonesia, SMRC, Cyrus, Populi Center, Jaringan Survei Indonesia dan Puskaptis segera (dalam jangka waktu dua minggu) melaksanakan audit terhadap lembaga survey yang menjadi anggotanya. Dan harus dipublikasi kepada masyarakat. Dan KPU harus mewajibkan 6 Lembaga Survey lain yang tidak dalam naungan Persepi untuk melakukan audit oleh auditor publik yang independen serta mengumumkan hasilnya, jika tidak dilakukan KPU harus mencabut sertifikatnya.
  2. Regarding the audit results of the ethics committee, if the information is proven to be misleading, then in accordance with Article 55 of the Public Information Disclosure Act (KIP), the pollsters and television stations concerned can be punished.
  3. Urge law enforcement officials to take firm action against pollsters and television stations that are proven to have disseminated inaccurate and misleading information in accordance with UU KIP and other laws and regulations.
  4. The involvement of a number of Regional Heads in the success team of each candidate has the potential for abuse of authority in the vote counting process. Therefore the President as the head of state needs to ensure the neutrality of the Regional Head.
  5. Request the KPU to broadcast or announce the voting results in the mass media (print and electronic) simultaneously throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia after the official announcement of the calculation of the results of the Presidential Election recap on 22 July 2014.




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