
PATTIRO: Will be formed soon, this is something the Village Working Group must pay attention to

The government through the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged ...

PATTIRO: Cross-Ministerial Cooperation is Needed to Solve Disabled Problems

The inclusion of the Draft Law on Persons with Disabilities ...

PATTIRO: The Village Task Force must be able to help accelerate the distribution of village funds

Jakarta, 4 February 2016 – The Ministry of Villages, Development ...

PATTIRO: The Villages Should Be At the Forefront in Alleviating Malnutrition Problems

Jakarta, 28 January 2016 – Indonesia is facing complicated nutrition ...

Ordering the Village Governments to Use the Village Fund Only for Infrastructure Development, PATTIRO: The President to Harm Villages’ Democratic Spirit

Jakarta, 15 January 2016 – President Joko Widodo ordered the ...

PATTIRO: To Reduce the Maternal Mortality Rate, Health Ministry Should Provide Spaces for the People to Monitor Village Midwives

Health Minister Nila Moeloek notes that there are at least ...

Civil Society and Government Need to Work Together to Achieve the SDGs in the Health Sector

Jakarta, 14 December 2015 – Minister of Health, Nila Moeloek ...

PATTIRO Forms BPJS Health User Association to Improve Health Services

Jakarta, 14 December 2015 – It has been almost two years ...

Commemorating International Day of Persons with Disabilities, PATTIRO: There Are Still Too Many Problems!

Jakarta – Every December 3, the world commemorates International Day of ...

PATTIRO: The DPR’s plan to revise the position auction policy is political

Jakarta – The DPR RI said that the position auction policy ...

Press Release | Sofyan Djalil: Partnering with Civil Society is a Must

CSO OGP Indonesia Press Release | 2015 Open Government Partnership ...

A Year Ruling the Country, Jokowi-JK Commitment to the Open Government Tends To Decline

JAKARTA — Civil society organizations see that during the first ...



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