Supporting TB Eradication, PATTIRO Collaborates with KNCV

Tuberculosis (TB) sufferers in Indonesia are ranked second in the world, this is based on the 2014 Global Tuberculosis report of the World Health Organization (WHO) which was revised in 2015. This data states that case data in Indonesia has increased by 10% compared to all cases in the world, namely one million new cases per year.

This data shows what a health emergency is in Indonesia, especially since TB is the third leading cause of death after heart and respiratory diseases, TB disease also does not choose age to attack and is the number one disease for infectious diseases.

This worrying situation is not without countermeasures, since 1969 the eradication of pulmonary TB has been carried out, unfortunately the results shown have not been satisfactory. Therefore, the Indonesian Ministry of Health does not want dissatisfaction to continue. So since 2016, concern for TB eradication has continued to be increased by pushing for Regional Head Regulations (Perkada) and budgets that support TB eradication.

Another form of seriousness from the Indonesian Ministry of Health is strengthening the role and participation of the community through citizen monitoring, social audits and a series of other monitoring efforts.

In order to support the government’s steps, the Regional Research and Information Center (PATTIRO) declared itself ready to play an active role in eradicating TB, “Eradicating TB is not enough for one government, it needs support from various components of society, and we from civil society organizations are ready to accelerate the eradication of TB, ” said PATTIRO Executive Director, Maya Rosatanty.

Maya said, together with the KNCV Foundation, PATTIRO will increase the capacity of civil society organizations in four, namely Bandung, Jayapura, Jember and Solo to be able to participate in advocating for regional budgets related to TB prevention. (AR)





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