Mataram Dialogue Forum (MDF) Talk Show; The Closure of New Student Admission Information in West Lombok and Mataram

lombokaMany schools in West Lombok and Mataram, NTB, which tend to be closure in the process of new student admissions. If any, the information submitted is not complete but half-and-half, primarily related to the capacity of new students.

This condition was revealed in Mataram Dialogue Forum (MDF) Talkshow, which was broadcast by TV9 on Sunday, June 30th, 2013 at 08.00 pm. The talk show entitled “Knick Knacks of Academic Year, Spirit and  New Rules” . As a guest speakers are members of NTB  Ombudsman , Mr. Adhar Hakim SH, Secretary General of the Civil Society Network West Lombok , Mr. Suhaimi, SH, former Chairman of the Association of Village Heads Lobar (Akad) , Mr. Amrul Jihadi, Chief village Bagek Polak West Lombok , Mr. Amin, academic members  and other practitioner in education field.

Furthermore, the dialogue revealed other findings about  the modified regulation created by school management. The Ombudsman also found the facts that some schools has ‘stolen start’ in opening registration. With so many parents of students who can not enroll their children because the registration was already closed. There are also elementary schools are asking parents to transfer money of one million rupiah per student, a surrogate officials’ children in schools favorites that actually does not meet the selection requirements.

The messy school management become the main issues and problems particularly in Budgeting School planning and budgeting (Plan Tuition). In addition to the 15 per cent quota for Bina Lingkungan (Community Development) is particular concern of ombudsman. “Community Development Program was abused as a daycare, nepotism, even illegal fees,” said Adhar.

In the last session the discussion concluded that the issue of new admissions repeated from year to year. It characterized that government is not serious to make improvements in education. Although there have been reports and findings that can be accounted for truth, there is no strict punishment given to individual “naughty” schools. As a result, the public can no longer rely on the centers of complaints there, but must actively request information for all transparent and guarding together to be free from any fraud, levies and corruption.




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