Lesson Learn Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting (PPRG) Efforts to Create Quality and Meaningful Development for All

Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting is a system built in order to encourage meaningful and quality development for all. PPRG is a tool to respond to the needs of all levels of society as beneficiaries in ongoing development.

PPRG is a form of implementation of Performance Based Budgeting (PBK) which is the basic philosophy of budgeting in Indonesia where budget management takes into account gender components in input, output and outcome in planning and budgeting, and integrates equity indicators as performance indicators, after economic considerations, efficiency and effectiveness. Thus Gender Responsive Budgeting (ARG) strengthens the significance of a performance-based budgeting framework to become more equitable.

If the PPRG is well implemented at all levels of administrators, both at the Central and Regional Governments, then the development targets and targets will be as expected by the organizers and of course all components of society can receive the benefits of the implemented development. ARG will promote good governance, sustainable development, and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) targets.

For more information on the achievements of this B3WP program, please click the link below.


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