
Guidelines for the preparation of the 2025 APBD adoption of the EFT scheme

In an effort to create a positive impact on the ...

Waste Management Is Still Gender Neutral

Photo Source: As of 2023, the data of the ...

Embracing vulnerable groups for a sustainable climate future

Jakarta, Augsts 13, 2024– Climate change is forcing us to ...

Strengthening Sustainability and Environmental Protection through EFT Policy

The Civil Society Coalition for Environmental Protection Funding (KMS-PPL) is ...

Hope for Prosperity in Mining Rich Areas Through Mining Revenue Management

Mining-rich areas such as West Aceh, Lebong, Bojonegoro and West ...

Special Financial Assistance for Regional Environmental Budget Allocation

The implementation of a green economy needs to be supported ...

Encouraging Assessment of Environmental and Forestry Output and Process Indicators in Fiscal Incentive Policies

After Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Financial Relations between ...

Opportunities for the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation on General APBD Guidelines to Become a Legal Umbrella for Environmental Incentive Funding

One of the government’s efforts to encourage inclusive and sustainable ...

Achievements in Encouraging Multi Stakeholder Forums in Papua

PATTIRO together with development partners in Papua who are members ...

Alleviating Poverty Holistically Through Multistakeholder Involvement in West Sumbawa Regency

West Sumbawa Regency is a mining producing area with large ...
Workshop Pengenalan Panduan Monitoring dan Evaluasi Kebijakan Alokasi Dana Kampung di Kabupaten Jayapura

Monitoring and Evaluation Guide to Monitor ADK Policy in Jayapura Regency

An effective monitoring and evaluation system guide is needed to ...
Peserta kegiatan dari Universitas Bojonegoro sedang melakukan kegiatan penanaman.

Development of Agroforestry Areas in Sukoharjo Village to Absorb Carbon Emissions and Increase Residents’ Income

The Sukoharjo Village Government (Pemdes), Kalitidu District, Bojonegoro Regency together ...



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