
Women’s Participation in Social Forestry is Still Minimal

Women’s participation in decision making in Social Forestry is still ...

Efforts to Maintain SDGs Achievement through the RHL Program

The achievement of East Kalimantan’s SDGs in 2022 is included ...

Collaborating with Young People in Preserving the Environment

In the last two decades, the impact of environmental damage ...

Community Economic Development is a Strategic Issue in the MSF Sarmi Program

Economic development is a concern in discussions by members of ...
Foto Bersama dengan Bupati Kabupaten Merauke

Ecology-based District Budget Transfer (TAKE) Workshop and Training in Merauke District

As part of efforts to encourage sustainable environmental and forestry ...

Establishment of MSF to Promote Forest Friendly Policies in Papua

A multi-party forum or Multi Stakeholder Forum (MSF) is a ...

Improve Analysis Skills to Watch the Regional Budget

The fulfilment of citizens’ rights should be able to reach ...

Effective Policy Briefs as a Tool for Policy Advocacy

When it comes to presenting research results for policy advocacy, ...

Welfare Equality is the Government’s Focus in Poverty Alleviation

Indonesia’s economic growth rate in 2022 has cumulatively strengthened when ...

Advanced Qualitative Research with NVivo

Technology developments to support research work are accelerating. Not only ...

Strengthening Regional Poverty Alleviation Programs

The number of poor people in Indonesia as of March ...

Reaffirming PATTIRO’s Role as a Think Tank and Advocacy Institution

Take one step backward to take two steps forward. In ...



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