Policy Briefs | Limited space for BPJS participants to talk

bpjs-hidayatullah-55dad847e8afbd0d13059dc4By: Dini Inayati, Director of PATTIRO Semarang

Supervision of public services carried out by the community is contained in the Public Services Law Number 25 of 2009 article 35. One way that the public can monitor the public services provided is to complain if the services provided are not as they should be. Unfortunately, the BPJS Health complaint handling unit has not yet regulated and established an ideal complaint handling mechanism. In fact, complaints submitted by the public can be used to improve the services provided.

So far, there are still many people who do not know that they have the right and obligation to supervise public services. There are also quite a few service providers who do not understand the various benefits of community supervision. In fact, service providers often act defensively towards complaints and suggestions for policy improvements submitted by the public. In principle, service providers need improvement materials from community complaints and suggestions.

The Social Security Administering Body (BPJS) for Health is one of the public service providers that must comply with Law Number 25 of 2009 concerning Public Services. The obligations for public service providers according to this law have not been fully complied with by BPJS Health. Data collected from the official BPJS Health website shows that up to the last quarter of 2014, there were more than 100 thousand complaints received by BPJS Health. BPJS Health claims that all complaints have been resolved. However, BPJS Health admitted that it did not have data on the number of people who were satisfied or not after their complaints were handled by BPJS Health.

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