Fight Together | PATTIRO experience in Assistance and Advocacy Policy Towards Disability-Friendly Public Service.


Program Peduli Pilar Difabel has encouraged positive changes for the people with disabilities, both as individuals and groups. As individuals, people with disabilities have benefited the increase in their capacities and social acceptances. As a group, they form a community of activists with disabilities and actively advocate enterprising local government policy.

PATTIRO as program implementor sees the need to document the experience in a book. Documenting best practices of advocacy led by people with disabilities are expected to be a source of inspiration to stakeholders in order to advance the needs of people with disabilities, so that they may live decently and their basic rights may be fulfilled.

This book tells about PATTIRO’s experience with the community with disabilities in Sorong, West Papua and West Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara in advocating improvements on a disability friendly public service. Among them is how the newly founded disable people group and their families in Sorong and Lombok obtained BPJS cards (national health coverage) through the budget financed by the local government, as well as how they advocate for the improvement of health services in disability friendly health centers. Hopefully, this book can inspire us all.

Note: This book still in Bahasa


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