Policy Brief | Acceleration of Social Forestry and Forest and Land Rehabilitation in Forestry Development Planning

Policy_Brief_RPJMN_2020-2024_Perhutanan_Sosial_PageInput for 2020-2024 Draft National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN).

The government has yet to achieve the 2015-2019 National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) targets for Social Forestry and Forest and Land Rehabilitation (RHL). The government has targeted an increase of 12.7 million hectares of community management access to social forests and a decrease of 5.5 million hectares of critical land for the 2015-2019 RPJMN. Until the fourth year of the implementation of the 2015-2019 RPJMN, the realization of achievements is still low, and is predicted to be unable to reach 100% by the end of the fifth year of the 2015-2019 RPJMN.

The target of Social Forestry is still short by about ten million hectares (± 10 million ha). The realization of the 12.7 million hectares target set in the 2015-2019 RPJMN is 2,625,520.04 ha, or only 20% of the target (as of April 22, 2019). The achievements of each scheme of social forestry scheme are 1,324,419.21 hectares of Village Forests, 637,735.82 hectares of Community Forests, 338,105.68 hectares of Community Plantation Forests, 292,416.79 hectares of Forestry Partnership and 28,286.34 hectares of Customary Forests. The realization of customary forests is the smallest, or only 1% of other social forestry schemes. With the current level of achievement of social forestry, it means that there is still a homework that must be completed by the government covering an area of ± 10.1 million hectares.

The document still in Bahasa Indonesia.


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