Synergizing Towards Change in Jayapura Regency Through MSF

The Limited Association for the Study and Empowerment of Indigenous Peoples (Pt. PPMA) Papua in collaboration with PATTIRO facilitated the formation of a Multi Stakeholder Forum (MSF) in Jayapura Regency. This forum aims to improve coordination and partnership between the government, private sector and civil society groups, such as academics and indigenous communities.

Before the presence of MSF, Jayapura Regency already had a collaboration forum, namely the Indigenous Community Task Force (GTMA). However, the scope of issues championed by GTMA is limited to environmental issues and indigenous communities. The presence of MSF in Jayapura Regency expands the issues being pushed, such as education and health. This effort was welcomed by development partners in Jayapura Regency, especially development partners in the fields of education and health. The good relations maintained during this time also contributed to the smooth formation of MSF Jayapura Regency.

Executive Director of Pt. PPMA, Naomi Marasian said that MSF is a bridge for coordination with various parties in pushing development issues in Jayapura Regency. “The aim of collaboration in Jayapura Regency through MSF is specifically to bring about a mission of change for the better,” said Naomi Marasian.

The hope is that through this spirit of collaboration, development programs carried out by regional governments can be in sync with empowerment programs carried out by civil society in Jayapura Regency. Apart from that, the presence of civil society groups in this forum can help disseminate programs carried out by the regional government to the wider community.

This spirit of collaboration is contained in the vision of MSF Jayapura Regency, namely realizing MSF Jayapura Regency that has integrity, participation and accountability in planning and implementing sustainable development. MSF Jayapura Regency has a mission to improve spatial management of indigenous communities which is integrated in the Spatial and Regional Planning (RTRW) and Strategic Environmental Studies (KLHS); improve the management and implementation of environmental protection; and improving community welfare through increasing capacity and empowerment in sustainable natural resource management.

There are four working groups (pokja) in MSF Jayapura Regency which have different issue focuses. Working Group I has a focus on promoting environmental issues which aims to improve the management and implementation of environmental protection. This working group is headed by the Environmental Service. Working Group II has a focus on pushing the RTRW issue which aims to improve the spatial management of indigenous communities so that it is integrated in the RTRW and KLHS of Jayapura Regency. This working group is headed by the Public Works and Spatial Planning Service (PUPR).

Working Group III has a focus on encouraging community empowerment. This issue includes community empowerment in economic, socio-cultural, women, health and education elements. This working group is headed by the Village Community Empowerment Service (DPMK) and the Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Service. Working Group IV focuses on communication and information issues, which is headed by the Communication and Information Service. The aim of pushing this issue is to increase publicity and campaigns to the public regarding environmental protection efforts as well as natural resource management and sustainable development.

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