NGO Support for Open Government Indonesia (OGI) in Central Kalimantan and Ambon

JAKARTA – PATTIRO with TII (Transparency International Indonesia), ICEL (Indonesian Center for Environmental Law), and FITRA (Indonesian Forum for Budget Transparency) which is the Open Government Core Team Indonesia (OGI) is involved in promoting piloting the implementation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP ). Two areas that start was initiated as a pilot area of ​​Central Kalimantan Province and the city of Ambon, and following the Indragiri Hilir District (Riau).

Open governement program that includes an open budget, open school, the establishment of Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID), the implementation of e-office and the rejuvenation of local government websites in support of public disclosure was initiated with activity focused discussions with SKPD ranks in Central Kalimantan Province (27 / 11) and Ambon City (30/11).

FGD is divided into 4 separate sessions that took place simultaneously, preceded by the Kick-Off Meeting with SKPD and related legislation. Locations FGDs conducted at the workplace Ambon City Government and the Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan. Each NGO Core Team share a role in encouraging the implementation of the OGI is, among TII focus on encouraging transparency through integrated information portal, ICEL encourage openness and strengthening PPID environmental sector as implementing the Public Disclosure Act, and PATTIRO focus on encouraging open school in the education sector. While FITRA focus on encouraging transparency of public budgets (open budget) in government.

Through OGI, central and local government, is expected to improve transparency, empower people, fight corruption and harness new technologies to strengthen the work of the Government. The flow of information is increasingly heavy as the easy internet access to virtually any type of information. It is also a challenge for the government to meet the information needs of the community.

“The more open a government, the benefits received by the public more and more. Positive correlation makes a challenge for many governments to be more open. One of the efforts is to move the Open Government Indonesia (OGI),” said Sad Dian Utomo, Executive Director PATTIRO.

Openness of government, through OGI movement, became a necessity because of (1) Logical consequences democracy held by openness in governance, (2) Advanced technology, which makes the easy access to information that can be gained public and the government as a provider of public information should always ready to answer the needs of the community, and (3) public awareness of the civil rights, many laws that guarantee the right of people, including the Law. 14 of 2008 on Public Information (Freedom of Information Law).

“People are increasingly aware of their rights guaranteed by law. As public awareness of their rights occurred and questioned the government’s activities, while on the other hand the government is not ready to deal with it, there will be a gap. No other option for the government than the prepared and more open, “said Sad. []

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