Press Release: FOINI Coalition Condemns President’s Inaction

Based on Presidential Decree Number 48/P of 2009 concerning the Appointment of 7 (seven) Central IC Commissioners for the 2009–2013 period, the term of office of the seven Commissioners will end on June 2, 2013. This means that since Monday, June 3, 2013, two days ago, The Central Information Commission does not have a definitive commissioner who can work to fulfill the people’s rights to the information they need.

This problem shows that the Government has not really learned from previous experiences that have befallen several quasi-state institutions, such as the National Commission on Human Rights. And treatment or government policy. Delays in the implementation of the selection process at stages that are part of the Government cause a vacuum in public services in fulfilling the rights of citizens.

On the one hand, the work of the Government, which has formed and assisted the operations of the Selection Committee, is highly commendable. So that the Selection Committee has successfully determined the list of names of candidates for members of the Central Information Commission selectively. However, on the other hand, the Government’s slowness, in this case, the President to immediately make a decision to submit the list of names of the selected candidates to the DPR is deeply regretted and criticized. The one month time to make a decision on something that can actually be completed in less than one week shows the very poor performance of the Presidency.

If there is an evaluation that is usually carried out by UKP4 by giving red, yellow, and green scores to the progress of the performance of ministries and institutions, the presidential institution should also be included in the focus of the evaluation. And if the red color adorns the achievements and performance of the Presidency, this is very important and needed to improve the work performance of the President himself.

The Civil Society Coalition FOINI (Freedom Of Information Network Indonesia) condemned the president’s inaction and neglect of the agenda which has resulted in neglecting the fulfillment of the basic rights of its citizens. Besides that, the slowness of work and the neglect of this agenda show a denial of Indonesia’s leadership and example in the global initiative, the Open Government Partnership – where the President acts as Co-Chair with the British Prime Minister. Of course this is a shame for the nation, if this fact is known by other member countries of the Open Government Partnership. The FOINI coalition does not want this nation to be humiliated by its own President.

The FOINI coalition looks at, assesses, reminds, urges, and demands from the President that:

  1. Don’t be slow, neglect, and immediately speed up the selection process for candidates for members of the Central Information Commission, by submitting a list of 21 names resulting from the Pansel.
  2. Apologize to the public for negligence, slowness, and neglect to guarantee citizens’ rights in public information.
  3. Immediately issue a Presidential Decree regarding the extension of the term of office of the Commissioner of the Central Information Commission for the 2009-2013 period.
  4. Giving a strong reprimand to the Minister of Communication and Informatics, Tifatul Sembiring, for his policy of closing the final results of the Selection Committee for candidates for members of the Central Information Commission for the 2013-2017 period.


Jakarta, 5 Mei 2013


Aceh-PATTIRO, Bojonegoro Institute, FITRA, ICW, FITRA Riau, IPC, ICEL, KOPEL Indonesia, KOKI Riau, LPAW Blora, Masyarakat Informasi Banten, Masyarakat Cipta Media, PATTIRO, Perkumpulan Media Link, PATTIRO-Surakarta, PWYP Indonesia, Perkumpulan INISIATIF, PIAR NTT, PATTIRO-Malang, Pusat Studi Konstitusi-FH Undalas, PATTIRO Semarang, Sekolah Rakyat Kendal, Sloka Institute, SOMASI NTB, Transparency International Indonesia, YAPPIKA, Yayasan Ladang Media, Danardono Siradjudin, Muhammad Yasin, Ridaya Laodengkowe, Paulus Widiyanto

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