Since its establishment in 1999, Center for Regional Information and Studies (PATTIRO) has produced many outputs and reached various achievements, as well as given significant contributions to changes in society and government in Indonesia. Through its three focus areas, transparency, as well as public finance and social accountability, PATTIRO has always seek to ensure the realization of social accountability in local governance so it would provide more benefits to the society. In this context, social accountability is defined as a social contract between the government and its citizens. To PATTIRO, in order to ensuring the contract sustainability, the citizens should involve in making sure the implementation of accountability principals in every policy and budget making, as well as in public service improvement done by the government.
So it did in 2013. During this year, PATTIRO managed to get several important achievements which are in accordance with its focus areas. This shows that PATTIRO’s works throughout the year remains focus. In 2013, PATTIRO has also succeeded in bringing meaningful changes in Indonesia, particularly those related to the implementation of policy on decentralization. One of those, PATTIRO was successful in establishing 25 civil society organizations networks focusing on public finance management in five provinces and twenty districts in eastern Indonesia. Together with Civil Society Organizations Network focusing on Public Services (Jormas PPP), PATTIRO was successful in advocating the government of East Nusa Tenggara Province to reallocate the budget for employee business travel to the budget for education. In addition to that, PATTIRO also conduct advocacy in gender budget issue. The result is, ten provinces in Indonesia have started to implement gender responsive planning and development in creating their Local Budget (APBD).
For those achievements, many stakeholders, including government and donors, both at national and international level started to know PATTIRO. It is seen from many articles PATTIRO sent such as opinion articles, press releases containing critics and suggestions published by the media in Indonesia, either print and online media. Along the year of 2013, 182 news articles are published in media, 56 PATTIRO sent and 126 sent by the members of PATTIRO Raya.
Moreover, in this year, PATTIRO change its website’s appearance ( This change had positive impact on the increasing of public visit to the website, from about 300-500 per month in 2012 to 1.300 visits per month in 2013. The highest number of visitors was in September 2013, 2.404 visitors.
Many stakeholders in Indonesia have also started to know PATTIRO’s activists. Many of our activists were often invited as source persons or active participants in various discussions, workshops, and many other activities, particularly those regarding local government and information disclosure issue. Not only inside the country, in October 2013, PATTIRO was invited to attend as active participant and speaker in some sessions in Open Government Partnership Global Summit in London, England. In this international event, PATTIRO had the opportunity to share its experience in overseeing information disclosure issue, either at local, national, or international level.
Furthermore, PATTIRO also produced many learning materials which could be used and applied by the readers or wider citizens, so they could get many benefits from it. Not only as learning or teaching materials, these knowledge products could also be used as a tool to conduct advocacy and get feedback from stakeholders regarding what PATTIRO had contributed. The amount of knowledge products PATTIRO produced this year increased and was more diverse than the previous year. The learning materials we produced such as training modules, methodology implementation guidelines, policy notes, films, as well as press releases.
Before determining the organization focus in 2014, PATTIRO’s activists and its board executive held annual working meeting in Ciawi, West Java to draw up the organization’s target in 2014. In creating the target, we referred to PATTIRO’s strategic plan year 2012. The annual meeting held in December 2013 was to review PATTIRO’s strategic plan implementation, whether it was on track or not. In this meeting, we also determined our organization’s position in the next year.
PATTIRO estimates that 2014 and the following years will be the period full of challenges, especially for our country, Indonesia. Nevertheless, PATTIRO commits to answer the challenges by keep trying to influence every policy and agenda the government creates. Through its three strategic roles such as knowledge management, advocacy and capacity building, as well as organization restructuration, PATTIRO will continue working to accomplish significant goals until we succeed achieving our vision and missions.
Click the link below to download the full .pdf version of PATTIRO’s Annual Report Year 2013.