Annotation of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Village Book

Annotation is a record made to explain, comment on, or criticize laws or regulations, as well as to reveal the facts of how certain laws established by the Parliament and the government and other related parties, as well as the facts of how to properly interpreted and applied the laws. PATTIRO creates this annotation of Village Law to documenting the concepts occurred and developed during its drafting in the House of Representative (DPR), explain the linkages or relation among the concepts occurred and rules mandated by the Village Law, as well as other related regulations, and provide references regarding other concepts which may be known and used to interpret the Village Law.

PATTIRO considers creating the Village Law Annotation important. It is because the law has massive implications. First, there will be more than 74 thousands villages that will receive hundreds millions of money from the Central Government. Second, to provide assisstance to the village government in implementing the Village Law, the Central Government are going to recruit at least 16 thousands of village facilitators.Third, there will be more than Rp56 billions from the national budget disbursed in order to fulfil the mandate of the VillageLaw. Fourth, PATTIRO predicts that there will be many different perceptions grow both at the civil society and government level in interpreting the crutial issues identified in the Village Law. Therefore, it is necessary to have a same understanding on why a certain regulation is assigned in the Village Law and how it is derived to other instructions below.

Next, after launching the “Annotation of of Law Number 6 Year 2014 on Village” Book, PATTIRO will conduct several expert discussion to talk about the 80 crucial issues identified in theVillage Law. PATTIRO is also now developing a website which will specifically focus on discussing the crucial issues by encompassing as much as public engagement to make it more interactive

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