Press Release | Sofyan Djalil: Partnering with Civil Society is a Must

CSO OGP Indonesia Press Release | 2015 Open Government Partnership Summit in Mexico

Mexico City – The Minister of National Development Planning Sofyan Djalil stated that it is important for Indonesian Government to acknowledge the partnership with civil society as partnership is one of many other Open Government Partnership (OGP) principles. “It is important to build a partnership with civil society” said Sofyan in a panel discussion “The Open Government Partnership: What is the Next Frontier?” in the Open Government Partnership Summit arena in Mexico City on Wednesday, (28/10)

The delegation of Indonesian civil society who attended the conference appreciated the Minister’s statement. However, they remind that civic space in Indonesia has begun to be reduced. Nanda Sihombing from Center of Regional Information and Studies (PATTIRO) said one-third of OGP member countries have been experiencing civic space degradation. “And Indonesia is one of those OGP participating countries. The main factor of this civic space degradation is the existence of Mass Organization Law that is considered to restrict the freedom of association,” said her.

She added, it is right indeed for the Minister of National Development Planning as Indonesian OGP manager to give such open statement on the importance of civil society involvement in the governance in front of the OGP international stakeholders. “Nevertheless, the statement alone is not enough. It still needs concrete actions to improve our poor achievement. As one of OGP founding countries, it is inappropriate for us (Indonesia-red) to get a bad score on OGP implementation,” Nanda asserted.

Meanwhile, Beka Ulung Hapsara from International NGO Forum on Indonesia Development (INFID) said the Minister’s statement has to be reflected in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). “The Government should find the right formula to secure the position of civil society in the government from being excluded by those who possess bigger political and social power,” said Beka.

Because, he continued, if the exclusion happens, the substance and the role of civil society in the development will disappear. Beka also said, nowadays, the power of those capitalists tends to control the development agenda. Therefore, it is essential to counterbalance it with the role of the public. “We need to decide the formula of this civil society role and engagement,” he revealed.

OGP summit was held on October 27th -29th 2015 in Mexico City. Two thousands participants from 65 OGP participating countries and other countries invited were attended the summit. The OGP 2015 Summits focuses more on how the principles of open government can be used to support the implementation of SDGs. A dozen of Indonesian Civil Society representatives were involved in OGP forums. Indonesian civil society organizations who attended the Summit are ICEL, ICW, Infest Yogyakarta, INFID, IPC, Laskar Batang, MediaLink, PATTIRO, PWYP Indonesia, Seknas Fitra, TII, and Yayasan Tifa.

This article is publised in Bahasa Indonesia in

  1. Gatra News with the title Pemerintah Dinilai Semakin Pinggirkan Peran Masyarakat Sipil.
  2. with the title Menteri PPN: Pemerintah Harus Kerja Sama dengan Organisasi Masyarakat Sipil.




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