Policy Brief | Civil Society Participation Determines The Success of Health Promotion Efforts

By: Dwi Yunita Prismawati – PATTIRO Semarang Activist

Lack of public participation in conducting health promotion results in the ineffective disease prevention efforts. All this time, there are only some small groups involved. Those groups will do this promotion only when they get an instruction and is dominated by women.

The government has created a regulation to broaden the civil society space to participate. It is the Health Ministry Regulation Number 75 Year 2014 which regulates public engagement in making the preventive and promotive efforts.

Urban Village Health Forum (FKK) is a forum established to encourage the preventive and promotive efforts. However, PATTIRO found out that many of them are not well-functioned. One of the causes is the absence of technical regulations to manage the forum. Accordingly, the members of the forum failed in interpreting their roles. The existing forums are not well-managed and the main goal to realize the standby-urban village cannot be achieved. The civil society remains passive hence the health promotion efforts do not run as expected. Therefore, civil society participation and collaboration with other stakeholders need to be encouraged to stimulate the effectiveness of the preventive and promotive program.

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