Neutral Civil Servants, Strong and Independent Bureaucracy

Kampanye Publik 3JAKARTA – “Millennial Civil Servants, Pioneer of the Civil Servant Neutrality Movement”, “Out of Date, if Civil Servants do Politics”, “Watch and Report Civil Servant Neutrality Violations”, these are slogans campaigned by the State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) in the public campaign movement of Neutrality of the State Civil Apparatus on Sunday (03/10/2019) on Car Free Day (CFD) in Jakarta.

Nurhasni, Assistant Commissioner for the KASN Promotion and Advocacy Division said this activity was motivated by the fact that there are still many civil servants that conduct practical political activities in the 2019 Election. “Although in PP No. 53 of 2010 concerning Discipline of Civil Servants, civil servants have been banned from politics, but currently many civil servants are involved in politics, such as providing support to one of the participants in the Legislative Election and/or the President and Vice President Election, openly and through the social media,” said Nurhasni.

“Violations by civil servants are often found in the form of statements of attitude, giving likes and comments, photos or attending campaign activities by using civil servant attributes or attributes/symbols that are the same or identical to those used by participants,” Nurhasni added.

The public campaign with the theme “Neutral Civil Servants, Strong and Independent Bureaucracy” aims to provide education or socialization to civil servants, the community, and other stakeholders, regarding the importance of the civil servant being neutral.

Prof. Prijono Tjiptoherijanto, KASN Commissioner for Promotion and Advocacy said that with this public campaign it is hoped that the public can partner with the Civil Apparatus Commission and as social control in maintaining civil servant neutrality. ”With this public campaign, it is hoped that there will be a synergy and the establishment of a partnership between the community and KASN in maintaining civil servant neutrality,” said Prijono.

“This public campaign is also expected to introduce the existence of the Civil Apparatus Commission as a supervisory institution that is independent and free from political intervention, where one of the important tasks is maintaining the neutrality of the civil servants, which is not only in the implementation of public services, civil servant management, decision making, but also very important in the implementation of elections.” Prijono added.

This public campaign activity was attended by all employees of the Civil Apparatus Commission, several public relations management and public communication officials at several Ministries and Institutions, partners of the Commission such as the media, including television, print and online, and PATTIRO.

PATTIRO and KPPOD as Non-Governmental Organizations concerned with the issue of bureaucratic reform are also actively involved in campaigning for civil servant neutrality. Together with CSOs in 4 regions, namely Jakarta, Surabaya, Bandung, and Semarang, they monitored violations of the civil servant code of ethics during the General Election. Maya Rostanty, Director of PATTIRO, said that with the monitoring carried out by CSOs, it is hoped that the community can encourage public participation in maintaining civil servant neutrality. “We hope that the monitoring carried out by CSOs can have a positive impact on the community to monitor violations of the civil servant code of ethics, and civil servants can be more careful in maintaining professionalism and able to maintain its function as an adhesive for the national unity,” Maya said.




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