PATTIRO and CSOs in Jayapura Deliver the Idea of ‘Developing Districts Developing Districts’


The Developing Districts Developing Districts (DMMD) concept, initiated by Bappenas together with the Jayapura Regency Government, Papua Province, is currently being developed and implemented. This concept aims to accelerate development in Papua by encouraging the strengthening of the role of the District. As an effort to strengthen DMMD, PATTIRO together with civil society organizations in Jayapura Regency conveyed inputs related to DMMD as a development strategy that focuses on equity, environmental protection, lives of Indigenous Papuans (OAP), and low carbon development.

The idea was conveyed in an online discussion with the theme “Strengthening Community Role and Participation in the Land of Papua through the Strategy of Developing Districts Developing Districts” on January 14, 2021. This activity was attended by 18 persons, consisting of 10 male participants and 8 female participants, from government circles such as The Head of Governance at the Regional Secretariat, BAPPEDA, and the Jayapura Regency Development Acceleration Team, as well as CSOs including Pt PPMA, KIPRa, Jerat Papua, Walhi, LP3AD, and Foker.

In his introductory remarks, PATTIRO Executive Director Bejo Untung said that efforts to encourage DMMD began with the scrutiny of the 2020-2024 RPJMN, especially related to the development of the Papua region, where one of the strategies to be implemented was DMMD. Therefore, PATTIRO together with CSOs in Jayapura discussed the development of DMMD content, according to the needs faced by the communities at the village level. “Hopefully, the suggestions or contents that have been made together can be discussed further and can be integrated with the DMMD roadmap, so that the development of DMMD can continue to be monitored and implemented properly,” said Bejo.

Ramlan Nugraha, as Program Manager of PATTIRO, conveyed that the DMMD concept developed by the Government is currently connected with actions that have been carried out at the community level. In the context of DMMD synergy, PATTIRO together with CSOs in Jayapura identified four interconnection nodes, including 1) District as the center for data, information and knowledge; 2) District as the center for empowerment of indigenous peoples; 3) District as a center for regional growth; and 4) District as the center for natural resource and environmental management. As a proposal for developing DMMD, PATTIRO together with CSOs proposed strengthening the role of districts in the four nodes through the following activities: 1) Management of data and information on low carbon development; 2) Facilitating the recognition of Customary Law Communities (MHA); 3) Development of a productive economy for women’s groups and green economy village development; and 4) Strengthening the facilitation of social forestry activities. These activities are proposed to be carried out at the district level.

Responding to this, the Head of the Jayapura Regency Governance Division, Elphyna Sitomurang, welcomed and appreciated the initiatives being developed. “After listening to the presentation from PATTIRO, I am very happy because there are many institutions or NGOs that can support DMMD. Collaboration on this planning is very important. The presentation that has been delivered has been very good,” said Elphyna.

Elphyna also said that the recommendation regarding the district as a center for data and knowledge information, especially in low-carbon development, is in line with the vision and mission of the Jayapura Regency Government. In addition, one issue in which cooperation with PATTIRO would be highly welcome is the potential for customary villages or ecological zones and management of natural resources and the environment. “Jayapura Regency is also frequently hit by natural disasters so it is necessary to increase the capacity of the district. We need their support,” added Elphyna.

In the development and implementation of the DMMD in Jayapura Regency, there are significant challenges. One of them is a new regulation, Permendagri No. 90/2019 as updated with Kepmendagri No. 50/2020 relating to the nomenclature of regional planning and budgeting. According to Jefry Koloay from the Jayapura Regency Bappeda, his institution was currently coordinating with Bappenas regarding adjustments to program nomenclature and activities. “Currently Bappeda is still coordinating with Bappenas regarding the Kepmendagri No. 50/2020 and Permendagri No. 90/2019 regarding the budgeting or nomenclature in the Permendagri. This needs to be coordinated again considering that it is related to existing activities in the DMMD. We want to arrange activities, but it turns out that the nomenclature of the activities is not in the Kepmendagri, “said Jefry.

In this discussion, steps forward that must be taken have been formulated. First, optimizing all roles, including OPD, districts, villages, NGOs, partnership institutions and the community in implementing the DMMD. Second, mapping the human resources needed in the district according to the classification and potential in each district. Third, encouraging the strengthening of synergy between OPDs. Fourth, encouraging the optimization of the delegation of authority from OPD to districts and villages. Naomi Marasian, Director of Pt PPMA said that the synergy between OPDs was needed so that the DMMD concept could be integrated with the current approach. “The customary area mapping program that is currently being implemented to the village level can become part of the data infrastructure that can be prepared,” she said.

In closing the discussion, PATTIRO Executive Director Bejo Untung thanked the parties who had attended this discussion. He hoped that the DMMD would become a joint strategy of the parties to realize sustainable regional development in Jayapura, and pay attention to the protection of the environment and the lives of Indigenous Papuans (OAP). Regarding the challenges in the ongoing planning process, PATTIRO is also ready to facilitate discussions between Bappeda and the Ministry of Home Affairs regarding Permendagri No. 90/2019.




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