Author name: PATTIRO

Hope for Prosperity in Mining Rich Areas Through Mining Revenue Management

Mining-rich areas such as West Aceh, Lebong, Bojonegoro and West Sumbawa regencies have high natural resource (SDA) potential because they are areas that have extractive industries. However, unfortunately, these four regions still face challenges in the form of high levels of poverty. Based on a study by PATTIRO in collaboration with the Bojonegoro Institute, Akar

Hope for Prosperity in Mining Rich Areas Through Mining Revenue Management Read More »

Special Financial Assistance for Regional Environmental Budget Allocation

The implementation of a green economy needs to be supported by regulations that provide long-term social benefits and minimize environmental risks. This needs to be supported by environmental funding policies in regional spending. This policy also aims to strengthen the implementation of the mandate of Law (UU) Number 32 of 2009 concerning Environmental Protection and

Special Financial Assistance for Regional Environmental Budget Allocation Read More »

Encouraging Assessment of Environmental and Forestry Output and Process Indicators in Fiscal Incentive Policies

After Law Number 1 of 2022 concerning Financial Relations between the Central Government and Regional Governments was issued, the incentive arrangements previously contained in Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) 160/PMK.07/2021 concerning Regional Incentive Funds (DID) no longer apply. This regulation was then updated PMK 125/PMK.O7/2023 concerning Management of Fiscal Incentives for the 2024 Fiscal Year

Encouraging Assessment of Environmental and Forestry Output and Process Indicators in Fiscal Incentive Policies Read More »

Opportunities for the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation on General APBD Guidelines to Become a Legal Umbrella for Environmental Incentive Funding

One of the government’s efforts to encourage inclusive and sustainable development is through strengthening funding. Since 2017, PATTIRO together with the Civil Society Coalition for Environmental Funding through the support of The Asia Foundation have had an agenda to encourage strengthening public sector funding through ecologically based budget transfer policies (Ecological Fiscal Transfer/EFT). This emerged

Opportunities for the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation on General APBD Guidelines to Become a Legal Umbrella for Environmental Incentive Funding Read More »

Achievements in Encouraging Multi Stakeholder Forums in Papua

PATTIRO together with development partners in Papua who are members of the Judicial Approach in Papua Area (JAiPA) Program, namely the Independent Consultation Foundation for People’s Empowerment (KIPRa), the Limited Association for the Study and Empowerment of Papuan Indigenous Peoples (Pt PPMA), and the Wasur Lestari Papua Foundation (YWLP ) encouraging forest-friendly policies in Papua

Achievements in Encouraging Multi Stakeholder Forums in Papua Read More »

Alleviating Poverty Holistically Through Multistakeholder Involvement in West Sumbawa Regency

West Sumbawa Regency is a mining producing area with large natural resource potential. However, the poverty rate in Sumbawa Regency is still quite high, namely 12.95% (BPS, 2023). Regional governments need to have a strategy for poverty alleviation that is carried out holistically by involving various parties. This is because poverty is correlated with other

Alleviating Poverty Holistically Through Multistakeholder Involvement in West Sumbawa Regency Read More »

Workshop Pengenalan Panduan Monitoring dan Evaluasi Kebijakan Alokasi Dana Kampung di Kabupaten Jayapura

Monitoring and Evaluation Guide to Monitor ADK Policy in Jayapura Regency

An effective monitoring and evaluation system guide is needed to monitor the utilization of Village Fund Allocations (ADK/ADD). This guide is useful for various parties in observing developments in the use of ADK managed by the village government. As an effort to create monitoring and evaluation guidelines for the use of ADK, PATTIRO together with

Monitoring and Evaluation Guide to Monitor ADK Policy in Jayapura Regency Read More »

Peserta kegiatan dari Universitas Bojonegoro sedang melakukan kegiatan penanaman.

Development of Agroforestry Areas in Sukoharjo Village to Absorb Carbon Emissions and Increase Residents’ Income

The Sukoharjo Village Government (Pemdes), Kalitidu District, Bojonegoro Regency together with residents, universities and several civil society groups planted trees for environmental conservation and development of agroforestry areas in Sukoharjo Village, on Sunday (4/2/24). In the future, this activity will become a routine activity carried out by the Village Government and local residents. This series

Development of Agroforestry Areas in Sukoharjo Village to Absorb Carbon Emissions and Increase Residents’ Income Read More »

Synergizing Towards Change in Jayapura Regency Through MSF

The Limited Association for the Study and Empowerment of Indigenous Peoples (Pt. PPMA) Papua in collaboration with PATTIRO facilitated the formation of a Multi Stakeholder Forum (MSF) in Jayapura Regency. This forum aims to improve coordination and partnership between the government, private sector and civil society groups, such as academics and indigenous communities. Before the

Synergizing Towards Change in Jayapura Regency Through MSF Read More »

2022 Independent Auditor’s Report

No. LAI: 000021/2. 1351/au.2/11/1236-1/1/XII/2023 Dear Supervisory and Management Board YAYASAN PUSAT TELAAH DAN INFORMASI REGIONAL (PATTIRO) Jakarta Opinion We have audited the financial statements of the YAYASAN PUSAT TELAAH DAN INFORMASI REGIONAL (PATTIRO) which comprise the statement of financial position as at December 31, 2022, statement comprehensive income, statement on change in net assets and

2022 Independent Auditor’s Report Read More »

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