Environmental issues are global issues that have long been an international discussion. For the first time, environmental issues were discussed by the United Nations (UN) on the Environment in 1972 in Stockholm, Sweden. Then it was reappointed by the United Nations at a meeting in Rio De Janiero, Brazil in 1992. The meeting was followed up with the highest annual meeting of the highest authorities in the 3rd United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) (Conference of Parties 3 (COP) in Kyoto, Japan. The meeting resulted in the Kyoto Protocol being adopted as an approach
to reduce Greenhouse Movement (GHG) emissions.
As a developing country, Indonesia participated in the COP agreement and ratified the UNFCC through Law Number 6 of 1994 concerning Ratification of the UNFCCC, and signed the Kyoto Protocol in June 1998, and ratified it on December 3, 2004 through Law Number 17 of 2004 concerning Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol To The UNFCCC. In its development, in 2015, countries in the world agreed on the Paris Agreement which aims to keep the increase in global average temperature well below 20C from pre-industrial times and make efforts to limit it to below 1.50C. The Indonesian government has ratified it through Law No. 16 of 2016 concerning the Paris Agreement on the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.