This program aims to create open public space (civic space) in climate change adaptation actions, especially in the agricultural sector. The Ministry of National Development Planning/National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas) has issued a Climate Resilient Development Policy (KPBI) for the 2020-2045 period which mandates Ministries/Agencies to carry out climate change adaptation actions. This program ensures that KPBI can be implemented at the regional level by involving vulnerable farmer groups, women’s groups, youth, people with disabilities, the elderly and other marginalized groups.

This program is supported by three main pillars, namely research to support evidence-based advocacy, increasing the capacity of assisted groups, and advocacy to local governments. Through these three pillars, it is hoped that more inclusive community group forums will emerge that have knowledge about climate change issues and have the capacity to advocate for policies regarding climate change adaptation in the regions. Through this effort, it is hoped that regional government policies regarding better climate change adaptation will emerge along with budget support.

In carrying out this program, PATTIRO collaborates with local CSO partners, namely Ayo Indonesia in East Manggarai (East Nusa Tenggara), YPPS in East Flores (East Nusa Tenggara), APPeK Workshop in South Central Timor (East Nusa Tenggara), Conceptions in East Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), Transform in Central Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), Mitra Bentala in East Lampung (Lampung), LP2M in Pesisir Selatan (West Sumatra), and PKBI West Sumatra in Padang Pariaman (West Sumatra).

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