Residents of North Lombok Regency increasingly active in Promoting Public Information Disclosure

sertifikat1Public Information disclosure advocacy in North Lombok regency (kabupaten Lompok Utara) becomes more frequent performed by citizens. Especially that pertaining to health services and personal documents. Until now many people have complained about information related to Community Health Insurance Card (Jamkesmas) receivers. Whereas citizens considers this information is very important as a reference for them in conducting an evaluation and provision whether Community Health Insurance Card (Jamkesmas) receivers on target or not. The submission of this information also to prevent gossip and intrigue among citizens.

Besides JAMKESNAS card, information on total budget of Rural Health Center (Puskesdes) construction  precisely in the Dangiang village has not been achieved by the relevant authorities when the construction process is already running. Moreover the civil documentation services are also becomes a serious problem that has not been resolved by the government especially marriage certificate and birth certificates. Many residents do not know for sure the amount of fees and other maintenance requirements of Birth Certificate. As a result, many people do not make it.

Seeing the passiveness of government in providing information services to the citizens, Independent Women Forum (FORWANI ) and Communication forum for Dangiang Bajang Freedom Movement (FKGBM) start to request for information as a form of active participation of citizens in public disclosure pushing towards better public services. It begins with a request letter of information compilation on July 2, 2013 then the letter was submitted to the Department of Health and the Department of Population and Civil Registration. The information requested in the Health Service including the number and list of Jamkesnas beneficiaries also the  detail RAB of Rural Health Center (Puskesdes) construction budget allocation .While information required in the Department of Population and Civil Registration is the number of households that do not have a marriage certificate in each district and the main requirements of making a birth certificate.

On July 5, 2013 request for information letter submitted, At the time, there was not found specific officials who serve requests for information. Once the request for information received, Community members of FORWANI and FKGBM required the signature and stamp of the relevant agencies on a piece of paper as proof of application data is received as well as a bid to boost public agency and execute procedures that have been set forth in Law No. 14 of 2008. Until now they are still waiting for a response from those two institutions.




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