PATTIRO: Free Legal Assistance Minim Socialization

Center for Regional Information and Studies (PATTIRO) assess legal aid services by the City of Semarang for free to the poor is still minimal socialization so that people are turning to non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

“Many poor people do not know that there is free legal aid provided by the City Government of Semarang and do not know how to access it,” said activist PATTIRO Aryanto Nugroho in Semarang on Monday.

Related to the Institutional Grievance Public Service Center (P5) of Semarang at the center of complaints for the poor, he is also not optimal because the P5 does not have authority over.

P5 position, continued Aryanto, weak because there is no solution to the conflict and simply forward all complaints to the relevant agencies. While the NGOs groove after apparent complaints ranging from mentoring to the relevant office until the completion stage.

PATTIRO far received many complaints regarding health insurance, education, electronic identity cards (e-KTP), raskin, until the problem is broken pump.

Separate occasions Director of Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Semarang Slamet Haryanto said that in 2010 he and others never get the LBH socialization of Semarang City Government regarding free legal aid to the poor.

The mechanism of the legal aid services that poor people are affected by this problem enough to apply the criminal law to the mayor, after which it will delegate to the Semarang municipal government legal aid lawyers.




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