Book of Complaint Mechanisms for Pro-Poor Policies


Public service is a public right and an obligation for the state to fulfill it, is not a secret. But do people really try to get their rights? The answer, unfortunately, is “no”. Does the government organize public services properly? The answer is “not yet” although many attempts have been made.

There is one community right that receives more emphasis in this book, namely the right to make complaints or dissatisfaction (complain) about public services. This is based on the consideration that complaints and complaints handling practices in public service delivery institutions tend to be “needs for public service providers” as input for making improvements. As a consequence, complaints are not seen as a community right. The implication is that the public cannot monitor whether their complaints are being handled or not, how the process is going, and guarantees for resolution.

This book conveys what can be done by the public to make complaints so that public services can be of higher quality and how best the mechanism for handling complaints is tried to be presented in this book. At the end, there are several examples of information about public administration service procedures.

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