Budget Advocacy Training Module For CSO (Civil Society Organization)

Modul-CSO-besarThis module was developed as training materials that will be implemented by AIPD as support for CSO.

One of the AIPD support that has given to CSO is capacity building in planning and budgeting as well as monitoring of public budgets. AIPD sees that participatory planning and budgeting is one of the important issues that has been promoted a lot since the beginning of the era of decentralization or regional autonomy in Indonesia that began in 2001. Then the issue is increasingly has an important position in governance.

Therefore, the module is developed in two parts in order to focus on training objectives. The first module consisted of the substance of Planning and Budgeting for CSO. The second module consisted of the Public Budget Usage Monitoring for CSO. The second module is used separately, because the first module focuses on the preparation of the budget (budget formulation), and the second module focuses on the implementation of the budget (budget implementation).

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