Pocket book series: TIPS & TRIK Mengkritisi APBD Panduan Praktis untuk Analisis APBD

apbdThis small book is a story collection of PATTIRO experiences in budget advocacy work over last five years. One of PATTIRO experience is technical assistance to parliament members and also to different city / county officials in Indonesia. Therefore, several cases provided in this book are cases findings and observations.

Budget analysis is done to ensure the emergence of pro-poor and pro public budget policies. And also, with budget analysis parliament members and government officials seriously apply the general principles of financial management, which in essence that the Government budget is public budget that should used as much as possible for the prosperity of the people (Article 23 UUD 45 amendment 4).

As a practical guide, we hope the tips and tricks can be easily applied.

Author: Susana Dewi R

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