Regional Government Bill (RUU Pemda) potentially “nourish” Corruption

lgf-2-korupsi-besarThe prevention effort of corruption at region must be started with the synchronizing the rules and regulations relating to regional autonomy.

Regional government bill that is being discussed by central government and the House of Representatives considered potentially “encourage” the spreading of corruption at region. One of them appears from provisions of article no. 47 of the draft which is regulating the regional head (kepala daerah) candidate requirements. In that article states that the candidates shall mention their personal wealth and  it must be announced to public.

According to Saddian Utomo, the senior researcher of Center for Information and Regional Studies Center (PATTIRO) the provision can become “space” of corruption.

“This provision is not effective and does not have enough power to minimize corruption. It’s better to convert Personal wealth list (Daftar kekayaan pribadi) to statement of personal wealth (laporan kekayaan pribadi) , “he said in a discussion forum titled Against Corruption and Abuse of Authority, in Jakarta,

By changing the phrase Personal wealth list (Daftar kekayaan pribadi) to statement of personal wealth (laporan kekayaan pribadi) he said, it intended the candidate not only submit their personal wealth list, but also they are required to submit the origin of such property.

Based on Pattiro data, as many as 50% of the 500 regional heads (kepala daerah) involved in corruption. By doing so, it means that 50% of regional heads of government are not able to manage their offices and management.

From different aspects, expert staff of Kemendagri Reydonnyzar Moenek sees there is distortion of meaning of the Act, and it is often become a major issue in the implementation of rules and regulations in the region. For example, Article 18 paragraph (1) of the Constitution states regional head (kepala daerah) shall democratically elected.

“In its implementation, such terms are defined further in the Act by stating a local election is done directly by the people,” said Reydonnyzar.

With the direct election, he continued, regional head candidates must “use money’ to get elected. ” The cost for regional head (kepala daerah) candidate reached for about Rp 30 billion –  Rp l00 billion. In fact, there were spending until Rp 200 billion, “he said.

That fact, he said, it triggers the elected regional head (kepala daerah) to commit corruption. “Governor Income in the five-year approximately Rp 3, 5 billion. In fact, the cost of campaign is much more than that. To prevent that, Director of Research and Development of KPK , Roni Dwi Susanto hopes that the drafting laws process must be more careful conducted so as to eliminate “loopholes” for corruption.

He added that KPK has conducted early detection of people, systems, and sectors likely to lead to alleged of corruption.

In this regard also, PATTIRO assess there are overlapping in five bills so that the decentralization has not the guarantee to create prosperity to the community. Therefore, five bills need to be harmonized.

The five bills that assessed as overlapping are Regional Government Bill, Financial Relations between Central Government and Local Government (HKPD) Bill, Civil State Apparatus (ASN) Bill, local elections (Pemilukada) Bill,  Village Bill. (Media Indonesia Friday, July 12, 2013).




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