NTB PPID Ready to Implement e-Public


To realize fast information services, the West Nusa Tenggara Province Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID) is ready to implement an information technology-based service system. The application system, which is named e-Public, allows integrated information management and services to occur online within the PPID scope. This system also allows information applicants to submit requests online.

The system developed by PATTIRO with the support of AIPD was introduced to the ranks of the NTB Province PPID and PPIDs in all NTB Provincial SKPDs on 22 August.

The implementation of e-Public is used as a momentum for the NTB government to run the online government system (e-Govt) as a whole. Therefore, the government is determined to make this e-Public program a target within 100 working days of the new Governor of NTB who will be sworn in on September 16. Initially, the e-Public that was developed only covered Provincial PPIDs and 4 SKPD PPIDs. With the 100 working days programme, it is hoped that by December all PPID SKPD will have implemented an information management and service system through the e-Public application.




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