PPRG Study Report in 17 Government Agencies

In the context of implementing Gender Mainstreaming (hereinafter referred to as PUG) which is one of the 3 (three) main streams of national development, the Government has established Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting (hereinafter referred to as PPRG) as one of the steps to accelerate its implementation. Therefore, PPRG implementation is encouraged to support PUG as a strategy to reduce social inequalities, including the gap between male and female populations in Indonesia, in accessing and obtaining development benefits; as well as to increase participation and control of the development process.

PUG is carried out by integrating a gender perspective (point of view) into the development process in each sector. The implementation of PUG will result in more effective public policies. Especially to realize a more just and equitable development for all Indonesian people, both men and women.

To map the changes that have occurred over the last three (3) years, 2010 – 2013, regarding PPRG implementation among government agencies, PATTIRO conducted this study. Moreover, this study gained the right momentum, with the discussion and preparation of the 2014-2019 RPJMN.

Its relevance is strengthened because the PATTIRO Study spans from the momentum of establishing the 2010-2014 RPJMN to the issuance of the Joint Circular Letters of 4 (four) ministries, regarding the National Strategy for the Acceleration of PUG through PPRG.

This study has a scope that includes four stages of the PPRG implementation process, as shown in the following figure:

Alur Proses PPRG

The PATTIRO study which was conducted for 6 (six) months, from January to June 2014, conducted mapping based on several categories, such as: (i). Commitment and Policy; (ii). Institutional; (iii). Resource; (iv). Analysis Instruments and Tools; (v). Disaggregated Data; (vi). Society participation; (vii). Monitoring and Evaluation; (viii). PPRG Implementation; (ix). Typology of Regional PPRG Preparation.

It is hoped that with this PATTIRO Study, the Government and Regional Governments can take better steps in carrying out their development programs, with an adequate budget and more targeted beneficiaries.

The brief report from the PATTIRO Study can be downloaded below.

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