Results of Community Assessment Survey of Basic Services in West Lombok Regency

Striving to increase the capacity of the network of civil society organizations in their working areas, especially in influencing the formulation of budgeting policies to improve basic services such as in the education, health and infrastructure sectors, with the support of the Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralization/The Australia Indonesia Partnership for Decentralization (AIPD), PATTIRO runs a Support Program for Civil Society Organizations. In this program, PATTIRO provides assistance to a network of civil society organizations in conducting community assessment surveys on the implementation of basic services. This assessment was carried out using the Citizen Report Card (CRC) instrument.

A community assessment survey conducted in West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara resulted in recommendations that led to policy making to improve infrastructure and improve the quality of human resources. The survey results also show that service providers need to consider citizen reports or complaints in improving the quality of their performance.

To improve the performance and quality of human resources, especially service providers, based on survey results, PATTIRO recommends that local governments make planning and budgeting more effective. The West Lombok Regency Government can also evaluate the performance of its personnel by providing a complaint mechanism that they can use to make improvements. Apart from that, the government also needs to tighten its supervision and make the system for handling citizen complaints more effective that has been developed to ensure that service providers work according to the allocated time and provide quality services.

It is not only a matter of the quality of performance of service providers, the results of a survey of infrastructure conditions in the West Lombok Regency area show that people consider village roads or village roads to be the worst infrastructure. For this reason, PATTIRO recommends that Village Fund Allocation (ADD) funds be used to repair village roads. The survey results also show that the community wants improvements to the facilities for providing clean water and irrigation channels. Meanwhile, for areas that are difficult to reach, PATTIRO believes that in-depth studies are needed to look at the problem specifically because this requires many studies with a higher level of difficulty.

To read in full the results of the community assessment survey of basic services in West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, please download the survey report carried out using the CRC instrument by clicking the link below.


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