Visit PATTIRO, Dozens of People Learn to Manage Villages

Lokasi_Kecamatan_Bantaeng_Kabupaten_BantaengDozens of people from South Sulawesi visited the PATTIRO secretariat office in Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta, Thursday (24/11/16). They didn’t want to demonstrate, they wanted to learn how to manage village government.

Those who were members of the community and village apparatus in two sub-districts (Bantaeng and Ere Felt), Bantaeng Regency, South Sulawesi were welcomed directly by the Executive Director of PATTIRO, Maya Rostanty.

The activity facilitator, Suryani Hajar, said that the activity aims to train the community in supervising village government. “The role of the community is very significant in the village development process,” he said at the event, PATTIRO, Pasar Minggu, Thursday (24/11/16).

This was confirmed by PATTIRO Program Manager, Agus Salim, who said that villages had been given financial resources to improve the welfare of their communities. This will be achieved if there is collaboration between the government and the community in implementing development.

“So the community must care about their own village government,” added Agus. administration- eremerasa1

On this occasion, PATTIRO also introduced the page which is a shared page that can be accessed and used by the community to share knowledge and experiences related to the implementation of Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages.

A resident from Bantaeng District, Mukri, welcomed the joint portal. For him, with this portal, complaints that have been experienced by village communities can be widely informed and can be resolved immediately.

Moreover, where he lives. Corn farmers often suffer losses during the harvest period. Abundant agricultural products do not necessarily make them prosperous. The reason is, in setting prices, traders are the ones who determine.

“We hope that PATTIRO can work together with Bappeda Bantaeng to deal with problems in this village,” he said.




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