
Press Release | PATTIRO: The Inauguration of Hambit Bintih Injures Justice and Hurts the Feelings of the People

Despite being opposed and rejected by the Corruption Eradication Commission ...

Press Release | Encouraging Improvement of Public Services PATTIRO: In order for Discretion to Be Exercisable, Social Accountability of Public Services Must Work

Discretionary action (freedom to make decisions) is often required in ...

Press Release | Encouraging Public Service Improvement PATTIRO: In order for Discretion to Be Exercisable, Public Service Social Accountability Must Work

Discretionary action (freedom to make decisions) is often required in ...

Press Release | Massive and systematic outreach is still needed, the government must carry out a social audit of the JKN program

At the beginning of 2014, coinciding with the New Year’s ...

Press Release | Behind the Ratification of the Village Law. PATTIRO: Village Heads Must Be Ready to Be Audited by BPK

The passing of the Village Law (UU Desa) brings fresh ...

Low Absorption of Budget Interferes with Public Services PATTIRO: Implementation of UU KIP and Community Advocacy Encourage Budget Absorption

The low absorption of the budget by the government, both ...

BUMN Public Service Accountability is at stake PATTIRO: MK Must Reject Judicial Review Submitted by BUMN Forum

Judicial Review (Material Test) of Law (UU) number 17 of ...

Application of the FOI Act and Community Advocacy will Encourage Budget Absorption

At the end of every year, the low budget absorption ...

Press Release: Tends to Increase in the Regions Ahead of General Elections and Pilkada PATTIRO: The Ministry of Home Affairs Must Tighten Monitoring the Use of Grant Funds

The Center for Regional Studies and Information (PATTIRO) asked the ...

Laziness of the regional government spending the budget disturbing Pattiro Public Services: The Ministry of Home Affairs must be firmly sanctioned

Until the beginning of November 2013, the Ministry of Home ...

Communities Threatened to Pay Highly for Public Services PATTIRO: There is a Systemic Effort to Eliminate SOEs as Public Entities

The Center for Regional Studies and Information (PATTIRO) assesses that ...

Press Release: PATTIRO: Implementation of ARG will Accelerate Achievement of 2015 MDGs Targets

Currently, many people doubt that some of the 2015 Millennium ...



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