
The Effective Use of Special Autonomy Funds in Papua and West Papua Can be Achieved Through Information Transparency

From 2002 until 2012, Papua Province received Rp 28.444 trillion ...

PATTIRO Requests the Government to Maintain Consistency in the Establishment of PPID and the Undertaking of Monitoring and Evaluating

The high degree of local government enthusiasm and expectation over ...

Press Release: Many Regional Heads Are Involved in Legal Issues Restrictions on Investigation of Regional Heads in the Regional Government Bill Must Be Abolished

At the beginning of November 2013, the Minister of Home ...

Press Release: In order for the Jakarta Healthy Card Program to be Effective and Targeted, the Community Can Be Invited to Audit Through the Citizen Report Card (CRC)

DKI Jakarta Governor Jokowi invited the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) ...

Press Release: FOINI: Stop Criminalizing Public Information Requesters!

The existence of Law No. 14 of 2008 concerning Public ...

11 UPB Students Deserve the Title of Public Information Disclosure Warrior

On the 10th of November, every year, we commemorate Hero ...

Press Release: The Need for a Role for All Parties to Build the Indonesian Open Government Partnership (OGP)

At the October 2013, the Annual Summit of the Open ...

Press Release: Regions Reject Raskin, PATTIRO Urges Central Government to Share Raskin’s Distribution Cost

Pusat Telaah dan Informasi Regional (PATTIRO) is urging central government ...

Press Release: Establishes BPK Honorary Council for the Objectivity of BPK’s Investigation Audit Report on the Hambalang Project

The form of the BPK Honorary Council for the Objectivity ...

Pers Release FOINI Coalition | Commisioner of 2013-2017 CIC Elected in the Closed Process of Parliamentary


Press Release: FOINI Coalition Condemns President’s Inaction

Based on Presidential Decree Number 48/P of 2009 concerning the ...

Press Release | Regional Government Bill Triggers Legality of Corruption, New Bureaucratization and Re-Centralization of Regions

The discussion on the regional government bill has entered crucial ...



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