This program is part of the SETAPAK Program developed by The Asia Foundation. Through this program, PATTIRO seeks to encourage the realization of sustainable forest and land management and provide benefits to women’s groups through fiscal instruments. This goal is achieved through efforts to promote environmentally friendly policies, including encouraging gender-responsive social forestry policies, increasing protective fiscal instruments through the implementation of the Ecology-based Budget Transfer (TANE) concept at the national level, as well as encouraging increased capacity and networks of CSOs in encouraging action to improve governance. forests and land.

Through this program, PATTIRO also encourages strengthening female cadres in advocating for forest and land governance. Activities carried out by PATTIRO include encouraging the adoption of the TANE concept in the APBN through expanding Environmental and Forestry indicators in the Regional Incentive Fund. This effort was carried out by preparing recommendations for the TANE concept, serial discussions with CSOs, discussions with stakeholders at the ministerial level, such as the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and public discussions involving local governments, universities, the media and the general public.

PATTIRO also developed Gender Assessment Tools (GAT) as an instrument to identify gender gap issues in social forestry management. The data and information produced in this GAT will be used as material to strengthen social forestry policy recommendations both regionally and nationally. In implementing the program, the approach taken by PATTIRO is collaborative action, developing advocacy capacity, and providing resources and technical assistance. Together with SETAPAK Partners, PATTIRO also initiated a civil society coalition for environmental funding which actively encourages the implementation of EFT in the regions through Ecology-based Provincial Budget Transfers (TAPE) and Ecology-based Regency Budget Transfers (TAKE).

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