Anggaran Pendapatan Belanja Daerah

Improve Analysis Skills to Watch the Regional Budget

The fulfilment of citizens’ rights should be able to reach all Indonesian people. Local governments have the authority to plan and implement the development agenda at the local level with adequate budget support. To ensure transparency and accountability in the use of the budget, public need to participate in overseeing the planning and implementation of […]

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Policy Brief | Encouraging the Acceleration of 2021 APBD Preparation in the Midst of a Pandemic and Regulatory Transition

The preparation of the Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBD) for the 2021 fiscal year is somewhat different from the previous years. In 2020, the APBD preparation process was faced with the COVID-19 pandemic situation, which began to affect Indonesia in early March. This pandemic prompted the government to adjust its budget policy through the

Policy Brief | Encouraging the Acceleration of 2021 APBD Preparation in the Midst of a Pandemic and Regulatory Transition Read More »

Could the Sanction of DAU Disbursement Postponement be Revoked?

On April 29, 2020, the Ministry of Finance issued Decree of the Minister of Finance Number 10/KM.7/2020 concerning Postponement of Disbursement of General Allocation Funds (DAU) and/or Profit Sharing Funds to Regional Governments that Do Not Make Adjustments to the 2020 Fiscal Year Regional Budget (APBD). Through this ministerial decree, 380 provinces and districts/cities were

Could the Sanction of DAU Disbursement Postponement be Revoked? Read More »

Blitar Regency Budget Policy Study (Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management)

Climate change adaptation in the National Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation (RAN-API), published by the Ministry of National Planning and Development in 2014, has the main objective of implementing a sustainable and highly resilient development system towards the impacts of climate change. The direction of climate change adaptation policy nationally is directed at two aspects,

Blitar Regency Budget Policy Study (Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Management) Read More »

The Impact of Partial Deferral of Transfer of the 2016 General Allocation Grant to Public Service in Various Areas

By: Maya Rostanty* The government has recently published Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 125/PMK.07/2016 on the Partial Deferral of Transfer of the General Allocation Grant (DAU) of the 2016 Fiscal Year. The PMK was signed on 16 August 2016 by the Minister of Finance. Based on the PMK, the government will defer the grant

The Impact of Partial Deferral of Transfer of the 2016 General Allocation Grant to Public Service in Various Areas Read More »

5 Proposed Regulations Overlapping in Their Arrangements

In accordance with the 2013 National Legislation Program (Prolegnas), currently the DPR RI commission is discussing several draft laws, including the Pilkada Proposed Regulations, the Pemda Proposed Regulations, the Proposed Regulations on Financial Relations between the Central Government and Regional Governments (HKPD), the Village Proposed Regulations, and the Apparatus Proposed Regulations State Civilian (ASN). Decentralization

5 Proposed Regulations Overlapping in Their Arrangements Read More »

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