June 14, 2012

The Map of Subsidized Fertilizer Problems in Indonesia

Indonesia has implemented a policy of subsidized fertilizers since the 1970s. This policy aims to ease the burden of farmers so that when they need fertilizer to crops, fertilizers are available at affordable prices. There is the argument that, in the first use of fertilizer technology until recently recognized as the intensification of agricultural technology […]

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Save Education Fund

 Education, the basic right of every citizen that is protected by the Constitution, Laws and is mandated to be fulfilled by the state. What happens when the 9 year compulsory education is not fully borne by the state, aka it is not free? Not enough allocation? Is it not effective? The Pattiro Institute-Education Working

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Indonesia in Brief

Indonesia is an intercontinental country having 17,508 islands. Its population reaches more or less 237 millions and is estimated to continue growing and reaching to 315 millions in 2035. With area of 1,919,440 kilometer square, Indonesia is the 16th world’s vastest country. Indonesia is also known as having the largest Moslem population in the world.

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Training on Revenue Sharing Calculation and EITI at Subnational Level

The Members of PWYP-Indonesia, PATTIRO and LPAW Blora, with the support of Revenue Watch Institute (RWI) held a trainings on extractive industries oil and gas revenue sharing (DBH=dana bagi hasil) calculations and projections. PATTIRO and LPAW are the member of PWYP-Indonesia. The one day training aims to provide better understanding on revenue streams (flow of

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