Socializing Online Draft School Budget (RAPBS) intensified

SEMARANG – Socialization reporting Draft School Budget (RAPBS) online must be intensified until the RT / RW. It was to show the seriousness of the City Government for transparency in the management of funds carried out by the school.

“This is just so RAPBS online entry point to improve the quality of public services. Worth appreciated, but its implementation needs to be escorted along,” said Aryanto Nugroho, program coordinator for Good Governance and Anti-Corruption PATTIRO Semarang when contacted on Friday (28/12).

Transparency RAPBS, he added, if properly done to be accessible to the public it will be good. But if the people who access the data RAPBS is fully able to understand the budget is in it.

For that, the emphasis on budgeting should also be explained through socialization. The reason for this may be the only insights into the scope RAPBS without knowing the details. With the display through the Department of Education website (Disdik) and outreach to grassroots, people can know the amount and details of RAPBS school where children learn.

“Such as school budget LCD purchases, students can find out if the acquisition is fictitious or not. So even done school levies, if not included in the budget that can be said to wild charges,” he said.

Respect to this, he highlighted the role of the school committee as school partners in designing and implementing educational programs, development programs both physical and non physical. He said the committee is actually very big role for the success of a school, but so far still not play.

Committee, he added, was seen still do not understand tupoksinya even assuming it arose because they were chosen by the principal. “In general, the school appointed a committee fact that even busy people. Though the committee acts give consideration and approval of the budget is done school for the School Budget approved and passed into APBS,” he said.




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