National Strategy for Accelerating Gender Mainstreaming through Planning and Gender Responsive Budgeting (PPRG National Strategy)

stranas1-okThis national strategy book is used to accelerate the implementation of gender mainstreaming in accordance with the National Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMN 2010-2014).

The national strategy made in order the implementation of gender mainstreaming become more purposeful, systematic and synergetic, and sustained, both at the national level and regional level.

Policy direction and PPRG Strategy included: (1) strengthening PPRG legal basis at regional level (2) The determination of mechanism of implementation, monitoring, and evaluation at ministries / agencies and local governments level for PPRG Implementation team; (3) PPRG Implementation in selected ministry / agency, (4) PPRG implementation in selected provinces, and (5) strengthening the capacity of the Implementing agencies and PPRG activator.

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