KPU Don’t “Wash Hands”, Take Action on Survey Institutions

Ilustrasi Lembaga Survei dan Quick Count. Sumber: Anatara Foto
Survey Institute illustration. (ANTARA PHOTOS / ANTARA PHOTOS)

[Jakarta, 11 July 2014] – It is hoped that the General Elections Commission (KPU) will not “wash their hands” in response to conflicting quick count results, which has caused unrest among the people.

“The KPU can form an Ethics Council for survey institutions so that they are audited by an independent public auditor and announce the results. If this is not done, the KPU must revoke the certificate,” said Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) researcher Khoirunnisa Agustyati, in Jakarta, Friday (11/7).

He himself called for this on behalf of the Civil Society Coalition for Public Information Openness or the Freedom of Information Network Indonesia (Foini), which consists of a combination of several NGOs including Pattiro, TII, Perludem, Fitra, IBC, and PSHK.

He believes that based on the provisions of Article 1 paragraph (3) of Law 14/2008 concerning Public Information Disclosure, survey institutions are public bodies that must comply with the provisions of the law.

One of the provisions in the Information Disclosure Law is to provide information that is accurate, true and not misleading. Article 55 of the law states that pollsters and television stations that are proven to provide misleading information can be punished.

That way, apart from law enforcers, the Central Information Commission (KIP), the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) and the KPU also need to take a stand so that there is no confusion over public information in the form of misleading survey results.

It is known that eight survey agencies have released temporary quick count results, the results of which won pair number 2, namely Jokowi-Jusuf Kalla (JK), namely Kompas Research and Development, RRI, SMRC, CSIS-Cyrus, LSI, LPI, Poltracking Institute, and Populi Center.

Meanwhile, there are four survey institutions which in their quick count results won the pair number 1 Prabowo-Hatta. The four survey agencies are Puskaptis, JSI, LSN, and IRC.

As a result of the difference in results, the two candidate pairs declared victory to each other which prompted the Public Opinion Survey Association (Persepi) which oversees LSI, Indonesian Political Indicators, SMRC, Cyrus, Populi Center, JSI, and Puskaptis to issue a statement to audit these institutions.

KPU is expected to act by asking public auditors to audit survey institutions that are not affiliated with Persepi and revoke their certificates. This is because survey institutions wishing to hold quick count results must register with the KPU.

“We also asked the KPU to broadcast or announce the voting results in the mass media simultaneously in Indonesia after the official announcement of the results of the presidential election recapitulation on July 22, 2014,” he explained.







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