
PATTIRO PPRG Study Results Presented to the Public

[Jakarta, 3 June 2014] PATTIRO, together with Seknas Fitra, with ...

PATTIRO Introduces OGP at UNPSF, in South Korea

[Jakarta, 3 July 2014] On 23 – 26 June 2014, ...

Decentralization in Mining Sector

By: Robert Endi Jaweng, Jakarta | Opinion | Tue, March 11 ...

CSOs Establish Communiqué on Open Government

[Denpasar, May 6 2014, Luh De Suriyani] Civil Society Organizations ...

The OGP And The Role Of Indonesia

From: Mickael Bobby Hoelman, Jakarta | Opinion | Tuesday, May ...

Post-2015 High Level talks kick off in Bali

[Denpasar, March 25, 2014] The fourth UN High Level Panel ...

The return of the Civil Service Corps

By: Hanif Nurcholis, Postgraduate Lecturer at the Open University, Secretary ...

Civil Society Joint Communiqué on the Asia Pacific OGP Regional Meeting

Taking the momentum of the upcoming Open Government Partnership (OGP) ...

Dissemination of CRC Ngada District

On March 20, 2014 Indonesia Lawyers Club Performed in Bajawa ...

PPID of East Java Province Implements SIP Application

The Information Management and Documentation Officer (PPID) of the East ...

Post 2015 MDGs Stakeholder Meeting in Bali

The Regional Research and Information Center (PATTIRO) through their representatives ...

PATTIRO Shares Its Experience at Asian Regional Conference in Malaysia

On 25 February 2014, Agus Salim, Program Manager of B3WP ...



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