
Workshop of Integrity Management Toolbox for PDAM Kota Malang

by: Widiyarti, ST. MT. The Center of Information and Regional ...

Open Statement from The Event | “Ending Poverty: Why Strong, Accountable Institutions Matter”

24 September 2014, New York We, the under-signed, believe transparent, ...

PATTIRO Organized Asia Pacific OGP Workshops in 5 Countries

To expand Open Government Partnership (OGP) membership in the Asia ...

An Overview of #OGPinCambodia

After Malaysia, it was the turn of Cambodia to host ...

Keep Collaborating and Never Trust the Government

By: Didik Purwondanu, PATTIRO’s Senior Program Manager for Social Accountability ...

Vertical Integration and Indonesia’s CSO Movement for Transparency and Accountability

by: Didik Purwandanu, PATTIRO’s Senior Program Manager of Social Accountability ...

Report of the Regional Workshop on Open Governance in the Central Region: Civil Society Perceptions of Openness and Background in Each Region

Problem Mapping and Networking Perception of Openness The implementation of ...

Audience with the Provincial Government of Central Kalimantan as part of the OGP Regional Workshop series

On August 21, 2014, civil society representatives from Jakarta and ...

Statement of Attitude of the Indonesian People’s Movement Confederation (KPRI) No: 12.01/PS-KPRI/VII/2014

“Urge the Active Role of the KPU in Vote Counting ...

KPU Don’t “Wash Hands”, Take Action on Survey Institutions

[Jakarta, 11 July 2014] – It is hoped that the ...

If Lying, Survey Institutions Can Be Penalized

JAKARTA, July 11, 2014, – A survey institution that ...

Open Data at the Sunlight Foundation’s Transparency Unconference

By: Timothy Lay, Volunteer in PATTIRO. From 29 May to ...



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