
PATTIRO Launched an SMS Gateway Application for Health Complaint Service Center

To improve the quality of health care service provided by ...

Multi Stakeholder Discussion on Persons with Disabilities Mainstreaming: The Role of the Government and Civil Society in Realizing Social Inclusion Has Not Been Optimal Yet

Even though the Indonesian Government has ratified the Convention on ...

Discussion of Local Regulation Draft on Protection and Rights Fulfillment of Persons with Disabilities

As mandated by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of ...

PATTIRO JEKA Holds Workshop in Jeneponto Regent’s Office Hall

JENEPONTO – Central Institute for Information and Regional Studies of ...

NGO Coalition Urges Names of KIP Commissioner Candidates to be Opened

Jakarta, 31 May 2015 – The term of office of ...

OGP Asia Pacific Outreach, New Chapter of Myanmar Democracy

#OGPinMyanmar Background 7 November 2010. Myanmar held a general election ...

OGP Outreach to Papua New Guinea: Indonesia Follows Up on OGP Bali Conference

“We believe that all of us have something to share ...

National Consolidation Day for CSO: OGP Development in Indonesia

In the national conference for Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), 19-20 ...

Open Government Partnership National Consolidation Day

Since the Open Government Partnership Asia Pacific Regional Conference in ...

An Overview of #OGPinMalaysia

Tuesday, 20 September 2011. An Open Government Declaration was established. ...

Expanding the Networking, South Sulawesi FoINI Forms a Coalition with Makassar Civil Society

Although it has been a subject of discussion among various ...

Jokowi’s Border Politics

written by: Sad Dian Utomo, Executive Director of the Regional Research ...



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