
National Health Discussion, The Implementation of National Health Insurance Still Encounter Challenges.

Every Indonesian citizen has a right to get a health ...

National Health Discussion, so that the SDGs do not have the same fate as the MDGs

Special Staff to the Minister of Health for Improving Partnerships ...

PATTIRO Short Message Technology in Three Areas Start To Function

By: Didik Purwandanu One of the head of Community Health ...

The 8th World Movement for Democracy Assembly

A brief note of Rokhmad Munawir’s Trip to Seoul, South ...

How to Deal with Complaints about Health Services

By Ega Rosalina From 2001 until 2010, Indonesia’s healthcare expenditure per ...

PATTIRO Book Bazaar

In response to many book requests, throughout the month of ...

Right Leg for Eating, Left Leg for Washing

Whitewash small studio with small terrace looks usual, clean yards ...

The Government Forget Disabilities Group

Aimas-Yayasan PATTIRO invites stakeholders, including health sector to discuss the ...

The Development of Draft Bill on Persons with Disabilities

By: Nurjanah* Law Number 4 Year 1997 on Disabled Persons ...

PATTIRO Launched SMS Lontara to Improve Health Care Service for Pregnant Women

Since 2011 until 2013, maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Jeneponto ...

Difable Activists in Labuapi Sub-District Has Become More Active

The supports PATTIRO provided to the difable friends in West ...

To Reduce Maternal Deaths, PATTIRO Launched SMS MatraSTAT

Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Semarang District continues to increase ...



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