PATTIRO Annual Report 2018

2018.PATTIRO_Laporan-Tahunan-INA-CoverDuring the 19 years since its establishment, PATTIRO has consistently made its contribution in supporting the establishment of good governance at both the national and regional levels. These efforts include conducting research and studies, collaborating with and building the capacity of citizens and CSOs, providing technical assistance to government/local government staff, synergizing with stakeholders, including international development cooperation institutions as well as advocating policies, budgets and public service improvement.

A number of achievements have been made, both in the form of increasing the capacity of the community and government apparatus, organizing the community in the form of citizen forums, issuing policies that are in favor of the interests of the community, as well as reallocating budgets in order to meet community needs. Other results are various knowledge products in the form of research reports, policy papers, manuals, guides, and training modules.

From these various efforts, PATTIRO seeks to ensure that development resources can be enjoyed by all parties, men and women, adults and children, groups with ability and those who can’t afford it. In short, we want to ensure that governance and development are just and gender responsive.

In an effort to promote development that is inclusive, just and gender responsive, PATTIRO has been actively promoting and supporting the implementation of Gender Responsive Planning and Budgeting (PPRG) since early 2000 as an important instrument in the planning and budgeting process in Indonesia. PPRG’s promotional efforts have even reached targets in foreign countries, one of which is the Republic of Fiji. PATTIRO’s contribution to PPRG is the main topic of our 2018 annual report.

Hopefully our contribution to PPRG can continue and provide benefits for the realization of good governance.


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