
BPK Audit Related to Hambalang is not independent

The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) was deemed not to be ...

Request for Information from Residents of Dompu and West Lombok

On Wednesday, September 12 2013, the Wawonduru Village Posyandu Cadre ...

Launching of the Public Information System (SIP) for Information Management and Documentation Officers (PPID) of the NTB Provincial Government

Launching of Public Information System (SIP) For the Information Management ...

PPID IT Services Ready to Launch

The province of NTB will soon be one step ahead ...

Local Government Governance is still Poor

Commitment to improving the quality of education, health, and alleviating ...

NTB PPID Ready to Implement e-Public

To realize fast information services, the West Nusa Tenggara Province ...

At Keerom, Information Requesters are Free of Charge

Wednesday, 31 July 2013, at the BK3 meeting room, a ...

Rosita Chandra Komala: Spreading the Spirit of Posyandu Cadres

Some people work as integrated service post cadres, who are ...

PATTIRO Supervises PPID in West Bandung Regency Government Completely Implements UU KIP

The fresh wind of public information openness is starting to ...

Resident of Sigerongan Plan to visit an Asset Office

Dozens of Sigerongan villagers will go to the public asset ...

The Dispute Information was registered to NTB Information Commission

NTB Information Commission began received a dispute information request submitted ...

Citizen Group of Kuripan Village West Lombok NTB Will Hover objection to the Director of PDAM

Citizen Group of Kuripan Village West Lombok NTB will cast ...



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