
Ministry of Public Works (PU) Is the Worst Ministry on Public Service

Ministry of Public Works (PU) ranks the worst ministry from ...

Launching of APBD (Local Budget) Publication in East Flores; inspired by Lebak regency, the Regent is willing to contribute

Local Budget (APBD) Publication of East Flores regency government is ...

The Minister of Interior and the Governor of Papua has submitted the Draft Revision of Papua Special Autonomy Law

Jakarta – The House of Representatives held a discussion meeting ...

Survey in 18 Ministries: Public Service is still poor

Lack of clarity on service period triggers bribery. “If it ...

LOCAL ELECTION BILL (RUU PILKADA): The Regent and Mayor Election issue is ongoing discussed

JAKARTA, KOMPAS – Despite government is trying to negotiate some ...

Residents of North Lombok Regency increasingly active in Promoting Public Information Disclosure

Public Information disclosure advocacy in North Lombok regency (kabupaten Lompok ...

Request for Information Movement Getting Widespread

Community member does not seem to squandered the existence of ...

Regional Government Bill (RUU Pemda) potentially “nourish” Corruption

The prevention effort of corruption at region must be started ...

Papua’s special autonomy funds (Dana Otsus) are not effective

Indonesian governments are urged to open up the disserted and ...

Malang District Official (Pemkab) encourages SKPD to form PPID

“In the immediate future the whole SKPDs both in district  ...

The Role of Public Agency Urgently Needed By Community Member

KEEROM – Jerome Hamu (a facilitator from Center for Regional ...

Mataram Dialogue Forum (MDF) Talk Show; The Closure of New Student Admission Information in West Lombok and Mataram

Many schools in West Lombok and Mataram, NTB, which tend ...



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