
PATTIRO Update | July 2, 2013

The DPR RI approved and appointed 7 (seven) Members of ...

Citizen Budget Design Training

During this time only few local government (Pemerintah Daerah) undertake ...

PATTIRO Update | June 27, 2013

Jakarta, Thursday, 27 June 2013- Commission 1 of the DPR, ...

Jakarta Zonder of Autonomy?

Jakarta as capital of Indonesia again has celebrated its birth ...

PATTIRO’s assisted Citizens groups request for Information to the Department of Education and the Department of Population and Civil Registration (Dukcapil), Dompu, NTB

Monday (07/6/2013) community center (CC) or a group of citizens ...

PATTIRO Conducted Training of Local Planning and Budgeting for Civil Society Organization in Bintang Mountain, Papua

June 11, 2013 “This training is extremely useful for us ...

Budget Advocacy Training in Merauke Regency

June 10, 2013 “In this training, participants learned about citizen ...

Central Information Commission Office Sealed!

The Freedom of Information Network Indonesia coalition carried out the ...

NTB Province Strategy Toward Ranking One for National Public Information Disclosure

Facilitate Information Services to the Community. As a guide for ...

PATTIRO Holds Technical Assistance for Dompu Regency APBD Analysis

The Regional Research and Information Center (PATTIRO) held a Technical ...

PATTIRO activists were elected as the Steering Committee for the Open Government Partnership

On 19 April 2013, the Open Government Partnership (OGP) officially ...

The autonomy has been Pawned by Bill (RUU)

Now days parliament is discussing the various drafts of the ...



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